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Business English Add-On (Option A)
5 hours per week
All levels
Mon-Thu: 1:30pm - 2:45pm
Course Structure
Business English (5 hours)
Monthly Tuition
Business English Add-On (Option B)
2.5 hours per week
All levels
Tue/Thu: 5:20pm - 6:35pm
Course Structure
Business English (5 hours)
Monthly Tuition
The Business Casual Program
10 hours per week
All levels
Mon-Thu: 12:10pm - 2:45pm
Course Structure
Focus on Grammar (5hours)
Business English (5 hours)
Monthly Tuition
The Business Intensive Program
20 hours per week
All levels
Mon-Thu: 8:45pm - 2:45pm
Course Structure
Reading & Writing (2.5 hours)
Listening & Speaking (2.5 hours)
Focus on Grammar (5 hours)
Culture Topic (2.5 hours)
Literature (2.5 hours)
Business English (5 hours)
Monthly Tuition
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